IOTA/ES Workshop ‐ Tangra and AOTA
The IOTA/ES invites you to a workshop on Hristo Pavlov's Tangra and Dave Herald's AOTA on Saturday
5th November 2022, 10:00 CET, at the Archenhold Observatory in Berlin.
After an observation of a stellar occultation by asteroids, these two software are important parts of the eval-
uation process. Today, modern cameras allow measurements whose accuracy would have been years ago
out of reach by amateurs. With Tangra, a light curve of the measurement is created, and with AOTA, the
exact times of the event, duration and drop in magnitude are determined. With this data, we get exact posi-
tions of the asteroids and knowledge about their profiles.
For this workshop, we assume that you have already created light curves with Tangra and processed them
in AOTA. Both software have a variety of setting parameters and analysis tools. The correct use of these
tools by the observer or the evaluator of an observation is the aim of this workshop.
Dr. Christian Weber, IOTA/ES, will held the workshop. He has analysed evaluations of stellar occultations
by Tangra and AOTA for years and has collected the most common mistakes and pitfalls with the use of
the software. He would like to share his knowledge with you in this workshop.
The IOTA/ES workshop is structured in two parts. In the first part, Christian will show you how to create a
light curve from your observation with Tangra. In the second part we will learn how to evaluate this light
curve properly with AOTA.
IOTA/ES is a European association and we want to give as many of our members as possible the chance
to participate in the workshop. Therefore, the workshop will be broadcast live via ZOOM. Participants who
are present in Berlin can ask their questions directly in the lecture room and, for example, follow the steps
presented with their own notebook. Virtual participants can participate in the Q&A sessions via the chat in
The workshop will be held in English.
For active participation in the workshop, we strongly recommend installing the latest versions of Tangra
and AOTA (a component of Occult) on your own computer. The workshop does not cover the installation of
the software.
For our planning purposes, please indicate whether you would like to participate virtually or in presence.
Please register your participation here:
The workshop builds on basic knowledge of the software and is not suitable for absolute beginners. Let us
know about your state of knowledge (you can copy the following lines into your registration and delete the
ones which are not appropriate):
Tangra: basic advanced
AOTA: basic advanced
Please also send us a message if you are unable to attend after registering. This also facilitates planning.
The workshop is free of charge for members of IOTA/ES.
Non-members are welcome for a participation fee of € 10.
This fee covers both parts of the workshop. This also applies to a virtual participation.
The fee is to be paid in advance by bank transfer or PayPal. The bank details, as well as further details
such as the conference address and telephone contact will be sent to you by e-mail after registration. Par-
ticipants in attendance can also pay the fee on the workshop site in Berlin. Catering during the coffee
breaks will be provided by IOTA/ES. The lunch is on your own expense.
Virtual participants will be mailed the two ZOOM accesses for both parts of the workshop a few days before
the workshop.
We plan a recording of the workshop to create a video tutorial. With your participation in the workshop you
give your agreement to the use of visual and sound recordings of your participation for the video tutorial.
Please register by Sunday, 16. October 2022, 24h UT.
Here is the agenda for the two workshops (times in CET).
The parts "Work on your own computer" will not be broadcast via ZOOM.
10:00 Welcome + Introductory presentation
10:15 Part 1: TANGRA
10:15 Presentation incl. live-demonstration
11:00 Q&A
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Work on your own computer
12:15 Results, lessons learned
12:30 Lunch break
13:15 Part 2: AOTA
13:15 Presentation incl. live-demonstration
14:00 Q&A
14:30 Coffee break
14:45 Work on your own computer
15:45 Results, lessons learned
16:00 Wrap up and outlook
16:15 End of workshop
Participants in Berlin will have the opportunity to take part in an exclusive guided tour of the Archenhold
Observatory after the end of the workshop.
We look forward to welcome you in Berlin or from Berlin via the virtual world on 5. November 2022.
See you!
The IOTA/ES Workshop Team
P.S. If the workshop has to be cancelled for unforeseen reasons, all participation fees already paid will be
refunded in full. Refunds of travel and accommodation costs are unfortunately not possible.